“Skills and a mix of solutions means we can adapt to whatever you need”

Welcome to Peak Chartered Accountants.

Our Team


Peter Topham CA PP

B Bus (Banking and Finance) GDip Chartered Accounting Director

Peter grew up in a family that owned and operated small businesses, and inherently understands the commitment it takes and the challenges that are faced. In fact, he spent a lot of time growing up in pubs owned by his family in central Sydney (including the Frisco at Woolloomooloo and the Lord Nelson in the Rocks), with a side trip to Young (cherry town) in rural NSW.

He spent 15 years working in the banking sector in Sydney, including working with Westpac as a commercial banking manager and policy analyst in Group Credit Policy (head office). As a commercial banking manager his portfolio of clients included SMEs and larger corporates. His Bachelor of Business (Banking and Financing) was achieved while working with Westpac, and he was awarded the prize for top student in his degree.

Looking for career advancement he moved to Wellington with his family to become National Bank’s Manager of Operations and Support for DirectLink for five years before the family relocated to Taumarunui with his family and taking on a senior management role with King Country Energy (which at that time was responsible for IT, billing and customer services for three energy businesses in the Todd Energy portfolio).

He is now a Chartered Accountant with a Certificate of Public Practice.

Anne Topham CA PP

BMS (Hons) Director

Anne grew up on a sheep and beef farm in Waotu (southwest of Putaruru) – and as a member of a farming family spent time out on the farm with docking, shearing, lambing, drafting, feeding out and grubbing lots and lots of thistles! She attended the local primary school and Putaruru High School (clocking up many hours on the school bus). A bit of a nerd she did two maths and three science subjects in her seventh form.

From there she went to Waikato University, changing tack and completing a Bachelor of Management Studies with a major in Accounting, which was awarded with Honours. Her university hall year book has the current assistant All Black Coach nominating her for All Black captain!

While at university Anne started work with Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co (now KPMG) in their audit team in Hamilton. Eighteen months later she started working with them in Sydney where she travelled around the city working on a variety of audits. Deciding that she preferred to be doing the work, rather than checking others work, she moved into the corporate world. Starting with Hooker Corporation (a top 50 listed company) as an assistant accountant, she worked her way to being a divisional accountant and finished as group management accountant.

From there she moved to J P Morgan and became familiar with accounting for treasury products, international transfer pricing and how to get audit clearance in 3 days on a 31 December balance date (it involved working New Year's Day!). Her time with them through the late 80s and early 90s gave her an insight into financial markets – as well as some fantastic venues for work Christmas parties and travel to New York, London and Tokyo!

Anne is a strong believer in continuous improvement – that we need to be constantly looking at how to do things better for our clients – both in terms of what we deliver and how we deliver it. Her financial reporting skills and background means that she has been involved in project work at Ruapehu District Council as well as with other clients who have specialised financial reporting requirements. She works with a wide variety of clients – and will often be heard asking them “what are you trying to achieve?”.

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John Goldsworthy

B Bus (Accounting) Senior Client Manager

John is a local Taumarunui boy. After finishing high school, he has been a supermarket department manager at New World, and is a qualified electrician! No, we don’t hire him out as an electrician – but it is obvious that he enjoys a challenge and doesn’t like being idle recently completing his Bachelor Of Business while working full-time. Not surprisingly, he is currently enjoying a break without studying.

He works with a range of clients, including assisting Peter with the Māori Authority clients and schools. He is uniquely positioned to support our "tradie" clients and prides himself on the care he takes of his clients.

Jonathan Lane

Senior Accountant

Jonathan has an extensive background in accounting and tax, both in Australia and New Zealand. He is invaluable on quiz teams, and is a trustee on the Avonlea Charitable Trust Board.

Sandra Smit

Client Services (Accounting)

Sandra can be found working on GST and annual accounts, giving clients a friendly “hurry up” as required. She has been in business herself, as well as being a share-milker, and understands the challenges small businesses and farmers have.

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  • Gabe Moana, Taringamotu Otamakahi Trust
    Taringamotu Otamakahi Trust operates a sheep and beef farm outside Taumarunui.  Gabe has been on the Trust for 36 years and is currently Chairman.   The Trust has used what is now Peak Chartered Accountants for 36 years providing a full service to them including secretarial, share registry, payment of accounts, invoicing, management of tax compliance requirements, payroll, monthly and annual financial reporting.  
    Gabe Moana, Taringamotu Otamakahi Trust
  • Derek Wooster, Te Uranga B2
    “What is now Peak Chartered Accountants has provided a professional yet personal service to the Incorporation for more than 36 years.”
    Derek Wooster, Te Uranga B2
  • “We have used what is now Peak Chartered Accountants for a number of years.   We enjoy working and interacting with them."
  •     Vindex Media has found our time with Peak Chartered accountants, delightful, informative and all around an experience we will continue to suggest onward.
  • Natalie Jarman, Whatever Marketing
      Whatever Marketing has been working with Anne Topham and her team for almost 9 years, they are an integral part of our business, not just your everyday bean counters, more like a business partner that can provide advice support and ideas.
    Natalie Jarman, Whatever Marketing